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What people say about my Massage and Spinal Flow Technique sessions.

Spinal Flow Technique

Morning Lillian, slept solid last night, sweated buckets and had vivid dreams, feeling so much better today.
C.M.  West Kilbride
I have slept like a log all week, little stiffness in my body but could be the gym, Andy had a few nights better sleep, less than usual nightmares.
C.M. West Kilbride
Just wanted to send you this message with feedback of my spinal flow treatment.  After first session I felt a  little lightheaded but nothing else initially, then after a day I was aware that I felt lighter. Like a weight had been lifted off me.  After a couple of weeks I realised that me headaches were better. I was sleeping better without using any aids. Since I saw you last those feeling have continued. I feel more relaxed and confident. Back pain has gone also.  
L.S. Kilmacolm
I initially went to Lillian for massage to relieve neck and back pain over been having long-term. She is an amazing therapist with a very caring and kind personality. I have now moved onto spinal flow therapy which has had amazing results. My migraines are practically non existent now and it has helped in many other ways too. Mind blowing. Love this place and will definitely recommend to friends. Thanks Lilian.
L.S. Kilmacolm
Hi Lillian, I just wanted to share that this week I have had an unbroken sleep every night so far. Every time before now I have never been able to sleep through the night. 👏👏😊
L.S.  Kilmacolm
I have been coming to Health Hub for several months since my breast cancer diagnosis. All the staff are lovely and make you feel welcome and relaxed. Spinal flow with Lillian was recently introduced to their available treatments and I thought I would give it a try. Lillian is lovely, she is very knowledgeable and friendly and takes the time to explain everything to you. The treatment itself is amazing, involving light touch on your spine while you are lying on a heated bed. I hoped it would help with my peripheral neuropathy which was a side effect of my chemotherapy and I feel as if it has made a difference. After the treatment I have had tingling sensations on my previously numb hands and feet and also get a great nights sleep after my treatment. I have now had several of these sessions and they seem to have a cumulative effect and will definitely be continuing. Thanks to everyone at the Health Hub, it was a gem of a find.
S.B. Paisley
Hi Lillian, hope you had a good weekend…do you have any availability for spinal flow tomorrow?   Was really pleased after I left on Friday that I started to feel a lot of tingling in my toes (and to a lesser extent my fingers).  Hopefully I have turned the corner so keen to keep it going .
S.B.  Paisley
This was my very first Spinal Flow. Lillian explained Spinal flow very well during my first consultation and treatment. Felt very relaxed whilst having my 30min session. Look forward to seeing results from Spinal Flow.
M.S. Paisley
Thank you Lilian for the Spinal Flow ‘treats’! 1st experience was amazing! Left me relaxed and then (next day?!!!) I noticed a clarity of thought which has been lacking for a while…!!! This time was relaxing as well… also both times there was a bit of lightheadedness… (if I have forgotten anything please let me know…!)
D.G.  Skelmorlie
I feel great today. Slight pain started in lower back last night but I was running around daft and walking a lot on Breahead but lot less than it usually is and pain calmed this morning. Where as usually it’s worse xx.
K.P. Paisley
It was lovely to have sessions of Spinal Flow with Lilian. From doing a weekly session of Spinal Flow, there has been a huge difference in my emotional stability. I’m managing my stress levels better, getting more clarity, and have regained my drive and motivation. I feel more balanced, my communication has improved significantly, and I am experiencing an overall sense of well-being.
A.A.  Glasgow
Another great session of PEMF and Spinal Flow. Highly recommend everyone should try it.
A.A. Glasgow
I have been visiting Lillian for spinal flow for a few sessions and from very 1st session I have noticed a dramatic difference. The pain in back and hips and neck have greatly reduced, I also feel more calmer and ready to deal with life in general, I am sleeping solidly and feeling refreshed in the mornings now . I feel more lighter now and I look forward to seeing her whenever my session is due. My life has changed for the better for sure .
H.F.  Glasgow
I also work as an extra in  tv and films sometimes outdoors in all weathers , just recently did 3 day’s outdoors , and I have noticed a dramatic difference , usually my body would be in lots of pain and I would be totally exhausted but after receiving spinal flow it wasn’t as bad as it was previously , yes I was tired and achy but not in the way I was before treatment, I actually have just visited Lillian yesterday and I was very tired , all stiff and in lots of pain especially my neck back and hip , and exhausted and my brain was foggy , I have got up this morning with a clearer head , feeling very relaxed and my body feels loose and more supple.
H.F.  Glasgow
I saw Lilian for Spinal Flow Technique, when I arrived at The Hub I was stressed due to all the winding roads leading to Quarriers village! However, everybody I met at the Health Hub were friendly & welcoming, and I’d like to thank the young women who welcomed me into the building & who made me a cup of tea, that was a God send. The treatment was very relaxing & on the way home I was much calmer. Since Wednesday I have noticed a difference, sleeping so much better, my sore neck & shoulders are better too. I would definitely recommend this treatment. Thank you & hope to see you soon!
F.B. Ayrshire

Deep Tissue Massage

As an athlete I have struggled to find someone who can do deep tissue massage for recovery but Lilian has been amazing. She really understands my needs and has been fabulous for relieving my aches and pains. Highly recommend.

Crystelle Lake,
Elite Artistic gymnast

Most amazing back massage

Wonderfully relaxing few hours spent at the Health Hub. My first treatment was with Lilian who gave me the most amazing back massage and was so helpful in answering questions and giving advice on other health issues. This was followed by a reflexology treatment form Laura. I can honestly say this was one of the most relaxing experiences I have ever had, positively floated out of the premises. I look forward to my next visit. 

Elaine T

Great night's sleep

Fabulous massage at the Health Hub in Quarriers. Very relaxing with lovely atmosphere and got a great night’s sleep after Lilian worked on the stress in my neck, back and shoulders. Great experience and highly recommended.


Top to toe massage

So lucky to have this wee gem of a place on my doorstep. Just back from some ‘me’ time, with a top to toe massage from Lilian followed by an infrared sauna. Absolute bliss. Lovely calming and friendly atmosphere. Highly recommended. 

Pauline G

Increased movement and a lot less pain

I realised by the end of my massage how tense I must have been to start with, my shoulders feel lighter and my general movement around my neck and back has increased by 100%. I had a particularly stubborn shoulder which caused me no end of pain including headaches from being tensed up all day. A visit from Lilian was like a breath of fresh air, don’t get me wrong I am not instantly floating but within 24 hours of the massage I had increased movement and a lot less pain. I also got good advice on using a backpack to carry my computer and I believe that combined with the massage is what cured my stubborn shoulder. Myself and my fellow Monsters look forward to our monthly visits.

Jacqui Wilson
International Sales Manager,

The feedback I have from employees is excellent

Thank you for all your support over the past years. The monthly visits to our Head Office has been most helpful in our efforts to help our employees have access to complementary therapies as part of our Health at Work Bronze Award commitment, at a time and place convenient to them.

The feedback I have from employees is excellent and they always look forward to their acupressure massages.

Stephen P Brown
EPS Training Co-ordinator,
Glasgow City Council

On-Site Chair Massage

Lilian has given me On-Site Chair Massage (20 or 30 minute sessions) for several years. It is a very thorough treatment covering the neck, shoulders, arms, hands and back. The relaxation benefits after 20 or 30 minutes are equal to a much longer massage. In addition, I always feel alert after Lilian’s On-Site Massage whereas with longer treatments I tend to leave the session feeling sleepy. Lilian has got the express massage down to a fine art and I would thoroughly recommend her!

Samantha Docherty
Piano Teacher,

Lilian takes the time, every time, to assess how I've been feeling

Sitting here trying not to hunch over my terminal, makes me grateful I took the recommendation of a colleague and started to attend Lilian’s acupressure sessions. I’ve been going almost every month for some years now and can still remember the first treatment. It was like the head and back aches that come along with working long shifts at all times of day and night, and being mostly desk bound, had been rubbed out – literally – in one go.

I always feel the benefits of a treatment from dealing with quite painful complaints to making me feel more energised. Lilian takes the time, every time, to assess how I’ve been feeling, if there are any particular areas I need worked on.

I would recommend it wholeheartedly.

Anne Marie Watson
Good Morning Scotland Producer, BBC Scotland, Glasgow

Acupressure Massage

acupressure Massage is very different from your standard Swedish or Aromatherapy treatments. In the sessions I’ve received from Lilian, I received hands-on massage but was also assisted into a number of yoga poses. As I was helped into the pose I was able to stretch far more deeply than if I was working on my own. The result is a mixture of a thorough physical workout mixed with the pampering delights of massage. I felt fit and relaxed – amazing!

Samantha Docherty
Piano Teacher,

My body feel more agile, energised and relaxed

As a yoga teacher and someone who works at a computer I highly recommend a visit to Lilian for some acupressure Massage. After each treatment not only does my body feel more agile, energised and relaxed but I can also stretch myself further in my yoga too. I didn’t know my body was capable of such twists! It generally makes you feel more alive. A must if you are in any way concerned about keeping your body and mind in good working order!

Morag Findlay
Yoga teacher


Lilian MacMillan massage therapist testimonial photo.
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