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Massage Therapies I offer

I offer Spinal Flow Treatment, Chair MassageFull Body Deep Tissue and Relaxing Massage Therapies. All within the lovely premises of the Health Hub in Quarriers Village. Prices range from £10 to £85 so you don’t have to suffer due to finances or time restraints.  

For more info see the range of massage treatments available below or Contact Me.

Spinal Flow Technique

What is Spinal Flow Technique 
The Spinal Flow® Technique was developed by Dr Carli Axford over 20 years of research, observation and clinical success. It combines her understanding of the spine, nervous system and Life Force Energy into a simple method that harnesses the body’s innate ability to heal itself.
Find out more about Spinal Flow by Clicking Here to view a short video of Dr Carli Axford explaining it while giving a treatment.
To find your nearest practitioner Click Here and put in your area. For example you’ll find me if you search for South West of Glasgow, Bridge of Weir or Renfrewshire.  

As well as releiving stress and tension in the body and calming the mind the benefits include a range of musculoskeletal problems and may relieve pain associated with

  • Fibromyalgia
  • Headaches
  • Sciatica
  • Back pain

“I have slept like a log all week…”

My treatments

I offer a variety of treatments from 30 – 90 minutes in the one session. You are treated lying on a massage couch and fully clothed. I work very gently on your back and sometimes you might not even feel it as it is so gentle and soothing.



  • 90 mins Initial Assessment (incl. first session) – £85
  • 30 mins Session – £45
  • 30 mins Couples Session – £80
  • 60 mins Session (with 30min break in-between*) – £80
  • 10 x 30 mins Sessions – £400

*The duration of the break can be extended upon request.

For children (under 18’s)

  • 60 mins Initial Assessment (incl. first session) – £60
  • 20 mins Session – £20

All children must be accompanied by a parent or guardian to the appointment.

Add-on a Bio-Therapy (PEMF / EWOT / Theralight 360 / Infrared Sauna) before or after your Spinal Flow for £25, usually £45.

Please download the initial intake questionnaire in either PDF format or Word.

Please download the health questionnaire in either PDF format or Word prior to your initial assessment.

Chair Massage

What is a Chair Massage?

Chair massage is great for convenience as within 10 minutes you could be feeling less tension in your shoulders. Chair massage is a quick and convenient way to ease tension in your back, neck and shoulders. It is performed sitting on a specially designed chair and your muscles and joints are manipulated through your clothes, so no messy oils which is why it’s ideal to get a treatment during your lunch break! It works with acupressure points as well as stretches and rotations to mobilise joints and get your energy flowing smoothly. I also offer a 45 mins back, neck and shoulder massage option on the couch now too, further tailoring the treatment to suit your needs. 

  • Eases tension
  • Reduces stress
  • Can help back issues
  • Relaxes your body
  • Calms your mind
Massage therapies photo of therapist massaging woman's back, neck and shoulders on a chair.
My treatments

I offer from 10 – 45 minute treatments on the chair. The most popular one being 20 minutes as it is so convenient and can be experienced alongside one of the other therapies in the centre. You are treated fully clothed using a variety of pressure to suit your particular issues and you are consulted on the depth of the pressure as well as where you want me to concentrate on so as you can feel tension drain away quickly even in the shorter treatments. 


10 mins – £10
15 mins – £15
20 mins – £20
30 mins – £30
45 mins- £45

Deep Tissue Massage

What is a Deep Tissue Massage?

Deep tissue massage therapy is a technique that’s commonly used to treat chronic pain, strains and sports injuries. It targets the deep layers of muscle where you might have injury or pain therefore helping to break up scar tissue that can develop after an injury. It also addresses underlying tension and muscle imbalances in the body by loosening tight muscles, improving the flexibility of your joints through circulation, releasing endorphins, and reducing stress. As with most types of massage it may also promote faster healing by increasing circulation and reducing any inflammation.

Massage Therapies photo of therapist massaging the back of a woman.
  • Aids recovery after an injury or illness
  • May help back pain
  • May reduce high blood pressure
  • Restores a range or movement
  • Receives pain and stiffness
  • Improves circulation

Treatments with me

In a typical deep tissue massage therapy treatment I apply sustained firm pressure using slow, deep strokes to target the deeper layers of your muscles and connective tissues. I always check in with you to make sure any pressure is suitable and adjust accordingly so you can relax as much as possible during your treatment.


60 mins – £60
90 mins – £85

Relaxing Massage

What is a Relaxing Massage?

Unlike the Deep Tissue massage a Relaxing massage involves lighter strokes and targets the more superficial layers of you body.  It’s a gentle massage that is designed to help you unwind and de-stress, soothing your whole body. Flowing strokes and kneading is used with a lighter pressure. It targets the areas of your body that you are holding most tension.


Massage Therapies photo of therapist massaging the back of a woman.
  • Improved circulation
  • Reduced tension
  • Eases anxiety and stress
  • Improves sleep
  • Aids the immune system

My treatments

In a typical relaxing massage therapy treatment I apply gentle rhythmic pressure which is deeply relaxing. At the Health Hub the massage bed is exceptionally comfortable. It is ideal for a Relaxing Massage.  Its width enables you to switch off and leave your tensions behind. Customers find switching off and leaving their tensions behind even easier before the massage begins. I use various oils ranging from Magnesium Lotion for muscle relaxing, Arnica Balm and Tiger Balm as well as rollers for tight calves and shoulders.


60 mins – £60
90 mins – £85